언어/C++ Builder

XE2 에서 GoogleMaps 컴포넌트 사용할 때 링크오류

Mustang 2012. 12. 26. 16:23

GoogleMaps 컴포넌트를 사용하게 되면 개발 중에는 별 문제 없지만 배포 시 

[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unable to open file ‘UABOUTFRM.DFM’

[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unable to open file ‘GMMAPRES.RES’

와 같은 링크에러와 마주하게 될 것 이다. 

구글링을 해서 


위 사이트에서 해결책을 찾았다.

1. Open project “GMLib_C2010.cbproj”
2. Remove GMBase and GMSize from the project( defined in GMLib_C2010.cbproj ).
3. Add db.pas into project. You can find it from ..\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\source\Win32\db”
4. Right click on “GMLib_C2010.cbproj.bpl” and click “Install”
5. Go to “Tools > Options > Environment Options > C++ Options > Path and Directories”"
Click “Include Path > [...]” button
Browse to the “\lib\C2010″ folder and press “OK”, “Add”
Click “Library Path > [...]” button
Browse to the “\lib\C2010″ folder and press “OK”, “Add”

Some small issues:
1) version not updated in Design Packages
GoogleMaps Library v0.1.6(xxx) -> should be v0.1.8 isn’t it?
2) I’ve created a test application, and just added GMMAP VCL. if “Build with runtime pacakges” is unchecked, build will fail with these two errors:
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unable to open file ‘UABOUTFRM.DFM’
fix: Copy the file from ./src to project’s root directory or add ./src to “Library Path”
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unable to open file ‘GMMAPRES.RES’
fix: Add the file from ./resource to project
If you check “Build with runtime pacakges”, the application will be built without any error.

1 - 5번까지는 사용방법이고 하단 1~2번까지는 오류 해결법이다.